Friday, December 14, 2012

Artist Statement

        I am an artist; to create and bring life to which does not exist is what I inspire to do. To design characters, give them life, and to put them into colorful worlds is what I will accomplish, as I dream to inspire others and to create what has not yet been created.
      Ever since I was a child, I was infatuated with the idea that others would enjoy what I have to offer as an artist. I see all these great and talented artists, and hope that one day I will take my place amongst the greats.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Concept Cont.

Here is a more fleshed out version of number 3. Its a cobra-like storm Wyvern. Lightning is channeled through the horn on it's snout and the markings are always glowing.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


My 3 ideas for my final  project for my Fundamentals class. I personally prefer the third one most. 
I took my research from a great art concept book which shows anatomy and how to skew it into a creature that doesn't exist.


Visual Rhythm- A feeling of repetition. 

Progressive Rhythm- Repetition of shapes in a regular manner.

Alternating Rhythm- Successive pattern in which the same elements appear in a regular order.


Focal point- The point of interest. The main point on the image.
.. 2012. DeviantArt. Web. 5 Dec. 2012.
In the image above, the main focal is the creature's head in the middle.

Isolation- Extra emphasis to a certain character or object by using value.
1. 2012. DeviantArt. Web. 5 Dec. 2012.
In the image above, it could be argued that the structure in the background is the part that is being emphasized by isolation simply because it is brighter and more detailed. But, the character in the foreground could also be the part that is being emphasized because it is closer to the viewer and darker. Your eyes are drawn to both parts.

Placement- Placing the main subject in the center of the piece.
Amaral, Leonardo. Pescossaur. 2012. DeviantArt. Web. 5 Dec. 2012.
As you can see above, the focal point is the creatures head, which has been placed right in the middle of the piece.


Monochromatic- The use of one color and its values. Staying in the same color range.
Arh, Luka. Study 17. 2011. DeviantArt. Web. 5 Dec. 2012.
In the image above, the main color is a bronze while the other colors are simply a different shade of bronze.

Proximity- Simply putting elements together.
Snatch. 2008. DeviantArt. Web. 5 Dec. 2012.
As you can see above, most of the elements are placed near each other, drawing the eye from one subject to the next and giving it an finished appearance.

Analogous Colors- Colors that are next to each other on the color wheel.
Wei, Guan. To The End. 2012. DeviantArt. Web. 5 Dec. 2012.
In the image above, the use of reds, yellows, and oranges are all examples of analogous colors.