Friday, October 26, 2012

Pattern and Texture

Pattern and Texture

Pattern- Repetition of a design.
schouweiler, damian. Ageofchampionsclown. 2012. DeviantArt. Web. 26 Oct. 2012. <>
You can see in the background a repeated pattern of stars and diamonds.

Implied Texture- Texture that is only visible to our eyes. Can not be touched or enjoyed, it is only implied it's there.
The Pathfinder. 2012. DeviantArt. Web. 26 Oct. 2012.
As you can see on the werewolf, his fur looks very soft and almost real, as if I could reach through the screen and touch it.

Trompe l'oeil- French for "deceive the eye". It creates an optical illusion to appear that its actually there when it isn't. 

Quillian, Sarah. TZP: Link and Malon observe Death Mountain. 2012. DeviantArt. Web. 26 Oct. 2012. <>
In the image above, the two characters close to us are real people, while the background is not real and is actually edited in with an art program. It creates an illusion, and tricks the viewer into thinking that the background is actually real and not edited.

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